Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Xerox project

While these may just be copies of my arms and hands xeroxed and taped to a door, it also has a hidden meaning. This could go off of the way art is almost trapped by standards. There are so many pieces of art that people question because they believe it is too simple and anybody could have made it. In this art piece, the arms could represent these pieces of art that people judge as such and the door could represent those standards. Nowadays, there could be so many possible artists if the general public didn't look down upon certain forms of art they see as "immature" or "basic". Thus, this artifice questions that concept. The arms are reaching out, almost to escape these standards and be able to show itself to the outside world. Art could be anything the artist wants it to be. Art isn't only a picture or a sculpture, it is anything that holds meaning beyond the obvious.

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